Hilarious Hippo-Cowboy Adventure: Strumming Laughter from the Savannah to Mesa

In the vast African Savannah, there once lived a guitar-playing hippo named Harmony. Harmony had always dreamed of trading in her wild adventures for a cowboy hat and boots. One day, she decided to embark on an extraordinary journey from the African plains to the desert town of Mesa, Arizona, to fulfill her dreams of becoming a cowboy (well, err cowgirl).

With her trusty guitar strapped to her back, Harmony bid farewell to her hippo friends and set off on her grand adventure. The journey was filled with comical mishaps and unexpected encounters. Along the way, she encountered curious gazelles who were bewildered by her cowboy aspirations and mischievous monkeys who teased her about her guitar-playing skills.

After an arduous trek, Harmony finally arrived in Mesa, Arizona, ready to embrace her cowgirl dreams. She strolled into town, her guitar strumming in sync with her hefty footsteps, and turned heads everywhere she went. The locals were astounded by the sight of a guitar-strumming hippo in their midst, and their laughter echoed through the desert streets.

Harmony’s first challenge was finding a suitable place to stay. She approached a ranch and, with a smile on her face, asked the ranch owner if she could become a cow hippo. The puzzled ranch owner couldn’t help but chuckle at Harmony’s request. However, impressed by her determination, he decided to let her stay on the ranch, figuring her unique talents might bring some much-needed entertainment.

Harmony quickly became the talk of the town. Her cowgirl aspirations knew no bounds as she donned a miniature cowboy hat and boots, strutting her stuff with a whimsical flair. She would join the cowboys on their daily rides, her guitar melodies accompanying the rhythm of their horses’ hooves.

One evening, the townsfolk organized a grand hoedown, and Harmony was invited to showcase her guitar-playing skills. As the band struck up a lively tune, she strummed her guitar with passion, her hooves tapping along to the beat. The sight of a guitar-playing hippo dancing and twirling brought tears of laughter to the crowd’s eyes.

Word of Harmony’s musical talent spread far and wide. Soon, she found herself playing gigs at resorts and restaurants, bringing joy and laughter to everyone who heard her play. Her unique blend of cowgirl charm and hippo antics had become a beloved sensation in Mesa, Arizona.

Harmony’s adventure from the African Savannah to Mesa, Arizona had not only fulfilled her cowgirl dreams but had also captured the hearts of the townspeople. With her infectious laughter and love for music, she taught everyone that dreams know no boundaries, and sometimes the most unexpected journeys lead to the most incredible destinations.

And so, Harmony the guitar-playing hippo continued her cowgirl escapades, strumming her guitar and spreading laughter wherever she went. Her tale became a legend in the town of Mesa, a testament to the power of following one’s dreams, no matter how whimsical they may seem.


Master Trainer/Functional Aging Specialist/Certified Nutritionist

Twenty-First Century Aging


Male Vitality – What Every Man Should Know and Be Doing

What man would not enjoy walking past a mirror and giving himself a wink while thinking, “I’ve still got the stuff,” at 80 years of age? 

On the other hand, at no stage in life does anyone enjoy the feeling of limitation, especially regarding male vitality. 

However, by the numbers, men are the most notorious for neglecting proactive health management post-retirement, with notable consequences.

Masculine ego and pride are directly tied to our ability to perform “manly duties.” Unfortunately, as the body ages and without proper maintenance, many resources that facilitate everything from mowing the lawn to virility begin to diminish. 

Did you notice the caveat “without proper maintenance”? Much like a fine automobile, the male body must be well-maintained if expected to perform consistently.

It has long been thought that there is disproportionality between the rates at which men and women age. Many feel that men age at a faster rate than women. However, statistically, the data lends itself more toward comparing longevity over simple aging, with results trending in the ladies’ favor.

Many reasons for this are tied to mental perspective going into retirement. For the women (especially the homemakers), their mindset toward retirement trends toward exploring newfound freedoms and liberty to go and do. 

Whereas, for many men who spent their careers as dedicated providers, the perspective lends itself more toward rest, relaxation, and enjoying the spoils of their labors.

So, what does it take for a man to enjoy the life he has earned while ensuring that his body performs as it should?

The list is simple and straightforward:

– Strength training exercise at least 3x per week. This resource keeps the body physically strong, the mind stays sharp, energy levels remain high, you will feel more confident, AND strength exercise facilitates testosterone production!

– Eat a diet higher in healthy fats. Sources include avocados, nuts, fatty fish (such as salmon), extra-virgin olive oil, etc. Numerous studies suggest that a higher fat diet (unsaturated fats) facilitates more elevated testosterone levels for aging males. *just be cautious of portion sizes as fat is high in calories

– Maintain A Health Body Weight.  Extra body weight not only zaps your energy and limits mobility, it also plays an adverse role in sustaining healthy levels of testosterone production.

– Enjoy frequent intimate indulgences! Physical intimacy triggers numerous chemical reactions within our brains, and ALL ARE HEALTHY! Among many other physiological resources, this is most definitely a use it or lose it. Studies show that men 65+ who are sexually active at least 2x per week are happier, more vibrant, have healthier body composition, and are less likely to suffer from depression than those who are not.

– Get your straight-8 every night. A well-rested body going into the day is more energetic, the mind is clearer, you are more likely to follow through with your exercise and physical activities, and the hormone balance that supports virility is higher.

– See your doctor regularly. Far too often, men do not proactively manage their health and often suffer adverse consequences unnecessarily. In addition, candid conversations with your doctor regarding your male health are likely to yield medical avenues for preservation or enhancement if necessary. When it comes to your health, shelf your pride and go!

Gentlemen, consider yourselves armed with valuable information that will leave you feeling rewarded many times over with just a few simple changes and healthy reminders. 

Ladies, please share this article with the men in your world from a loving and supporting perspective, as it is you who ultimately provide the greatest inspiration!


My dear friend and former Oklahoma client George demonstrating that the body ages according to how it is cared for, even at age 76! 


Master Trainer/Functional Aging Specialist/Certified Nutritionist

Twenty-First Century Aging


Research Confirms – The Claims of Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits Do Exist

I know that I’m not alone in my natural skepticism of concoctions, substances, and products that make claims of benefit far exceeding their intended purpose. 

Maybe this attribute comes from a seed planted by my professor in Critical Thinking class while in college, or the floods of commercial advertising we are subject to each day.

So, naturally, when I first heard that people were drinking Apple Cider vinegar and claiming almost miraculous health improvements, the logical side of my brain began speculating while developing curiosities.

Like everyone else who has questions, I reached out to the interwebs via Google to seek information and answers. But unfortunately, at the time, there wasn’t much that I had considered sound evidence-based research readily available.

Fast forward a couple of years, and in exploring a library of academic reports and studies, I came across some information I thought was enlightening and was inspired to share my findings with you. 


At its core, Apple Cider Vinegar is simple apple juice that has undergone a fermentation process that changes its composition characteristics while amplifying its acidic properties. 

Commercially, there are typically two forms of Apple Cider Vinegar available; with the Mother and without. 

What is the Mother? This cloudy/gelatinous substance is composed of cellulose and acetic acid bacteria that is formed when the apple juice transitions from alcohol to acetic acid during the fermentation process. It is these composition changes that give the vinegar its tart taste and elevated acidity. 

Most store shelves host a version of Apple Cider vinegar that has had the Mother strained off and is intended for cooking. However, the version WITH the Mother has all the benefits (the brand Braggs with the Mother is incredibly popular).  

Our body already makes the most critical component on its own, acetic acid. This short-chain fatty acid is utilized in many chemical functions within your body and presents itself as a powerful antioxidant. 


Within the independent studies conducted by the National Institute of Health National Library of Medicine and Dr. Alexander Sirokin from the Constantine Philosopher University, I discovered an abundance of sound science to qualify that there are measurable benefits to supplementing with Apple Cider Vinegar.

These studies concluded that, in addition to combating inflammation, the acetic acid from Apple Cider Vinegar supports immune function, helps to limit plaque formation in the arteries, facilitates normalization of body pH (alkalinity/acidity), aids in digestion by supplementing stomach acid breakdown of foods, and is shown to aid in effective weight loss by positively impacting blood sugar levels and liver glucose production. 

 The recommended dosage is two tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar combined with 8oz of water and can be taken up to twice per day. The vinegar can be taken after meals, or some results within the studies reflected more significant benefits of taking the vinegar at night before bed.

Researchers do warn not to attempt to get too much of a good thing. For example, those who exceeded dosage recommendations experienced adverse reactions such as; stomach irritation, throat irritation, upset stomach, and heartburn. 

Also, it has been discovered that negative interactions between Apple Cider Vinegar and certain medications exist. These medications include: insulin, digoxin, diuretics, furosemide, torsemide and bumetanide.

If you have questions or doubts, always consult with a professional to determine if taking any form of supplementation is right or safe for you. 


Master Trainer/Functional Aging Specialist/Certified Nutritionist

Twenty-First Century Aging


Your Daily 5 After 55

Traditionally, I categorize exercise under two primary headings; goal-oriented exercise and daily maintenance. 

The distinction between the two is that goal-oriented exercise concentrates on accomplishing progressive benefits, whereas daily maintenance is the practical foundation for sustaining functional movement (to be good at moving – you have to move).

Though goal-oriented exercise can be a bit harder for some people to embrace, ALL adults 55+ should at the least make daily maintenance a part of their lifestyle. 

In addition, those participating in and enjoying the benefits of goal-oriented programs will also benefit from these offerings.

So, what is “daily maintenance”? Daily maintenance combines strength conditioning, cardio, and flexibility exercises in a simple-to-follow and sustainable 5-exercise format. The program should take less than an hour to accomplish, is scalable for any conditioning level, and is a fantastic and energizing way to begin the day every day!

#1 Go for a brisk walk! Though casual walking is good, brisk walking improves cardiac health and energy metabolism, develops foot speed/agility, and plays a vital role in significantly reducing fall risk as you age. Also, for this program’s purpose, it doubles as your dynamic warmup. 15-20 minutes is plenty sufficient and can be a good goal if you need to begin more gradually. 

(Tip: keep a smooth heel-toe stride, swing your arms, and practice taking deep quality breaths)

#2 Hit those squats or sit-to-stands: Lower body strength is a vital resource that MUST be trained to be retained! Squats are the most efficient and effective means of keeping these muscles sufficiently strong. You should do ONE SET of as many repetitions as possible with good form daily. Please keep track of this number and seek to improve upon it until you reach the number 20. 

(Tip: keep your weight on your heels and sit by bending at the hip and then knees)

#3 Big benefit bridges: This simple to-do exercise does so many wonderful things for your body and does not need to be difficult to be effective. With one simple movement, you will stretch over-tight hip-flexor muscles (top of the thighs/groin), activate and condition the glute muscles (vital for hip/knee/lower back health), and build stabilization strength in the vulnerable lower back muscles. You should do ONE SET of raise and hold for as long as you can with good form, ultimately seeking to reach at least a 1-minute. 

 (Tip: push through the heels, raise the hips as one, squeeze the cheeks, elevate your hips until you feel a gentle stretch in the upper thighs, and hold)

#4 Stretch those hamstrings! Over-tight hamstrings are a common problem for many retired adults and, if left unaddressed, can create significant orthopedic, mobility, postural, and chronic pain issues. The goal is to stretch each side independently for 1 minute (where the pull is tight but not painful), then finish by stretching both sides together for 1 minute. 

(Tip: for both versions, keep your knees and back as straight as possible, and reach forward from the hip while keeping your fingers on your shins)

#5 Stretch the chest and shoulder muscles: Because most things happen in front of us, it is common for the muscles on the front side of the body to develop over-tightness. Much like with the hamstrings, if left unaddressed, a series of serious issues can develop, leading to pain and debilitation of the arm. The illustrated version of this stretch below provides a gentle means of stretching these muscles with support and control. The goal is to do ONE SET of this stretch where the muscle tension is tight but not painful for a total duration of 1-minute.

(Tip: keep your head up, have one foot forward one back stance, and lean into the stretch through the chest)

If you are currently not exercising, this program provides an easy-to-follow launch pad to get you started while providing a 100% assurance of benefit!

Once you get a couple of weeks into it, your daily-5 will become the most rewarding habit you will never have to break!


Master Trainer/Functional Aging Specialist/Certified Nutritionist

Twenty-First Century Aging


6-Simple Steps To Effectively Manage Lower Back Pain

Dealing with pain of any type can gravely impact your mood, quality of life, relationships, and overall health. But unfortunately, for upward of 65 million Americans, chronic pain originating from the lower back is a common and often debilitating complaint.

To better understand why this is, let’s have a look at this section of the spine:

The lumbar spine runs from the L-1 vertebrae down to the sacroiliac joint. This section of your spine serves as not only the connecting point for the trunk of your body to the hip, but it also supports most of your body weight and is the center for your balance.

So, it stands to reason that such a highly active part of your body could become susceptible to damage, injury, or chronic inflammation. 

However, you can do some simple things to protect the health of your spine while minimizing the most common non-injury causes of lower back pain.

#1. Be mindful of your posture! Poor postural habits are at the top of the list because they are at the root of many muscular and structural orthopedic issues (especially for older adults). This one is among the most crucial to address and can be done with some simple behavioral modifications. 

#2. Adjust your sleeping habits. Sleeping on your back with a pillow beneath your knees is ideal as it places your spine in a more neutral position. If this will not work for you because you are a side-sleeper, try placing a pillow between your knees and sleeping with them in a slightly tucked position. AND, if at all possible, try to avoid sleeping on your stomach as this places tremendous stress on the lower back. 

#3. Keep your muscles strong and flexible! I cannot emphasize this enough, during the retirement stage of life, regular exercise is a tool, not a task. The stronger you keep your core muscles, the better their support to the lumbar spine. Also, by keeping the larger muscles of the lower body (especially hamstrings & hip flexors) flexible, the stress placed on the lower back is significantly reduced, resulting in better function and less wear.

#4. Avoid prolonged bouts of sitting. Contrary to many beliefs, the divine design of the human body is centered around movement, regardless of the stage of life. Sitting places irregular loading forces in the lower back which cause muscle tension and vertebrae alignment distortions. Because of this, it is important to avoid sitting in one place longer than 30-minutes at a time without taking a get-up and move break. 

#5 Become more nutritionally aware. YES, what you eat and how much you eat can directly impact lower back pain. For example, foods high in sugar or that are highly processed can dramatically increase inflammation within your body, amplifying pain. Also, it is essential to maintain a healthy body weight. Excess weight places tremendous stress on the lower back, inhibits mobility, and reduces tendencies for healthy activity. 

#6 Choose proper footwear. Your feet are the origin of your kinetic chain, so impacts on their alignment or function (such as improper shoes) will translate into stress in the lower back. Please see The Happy Hooves Article for a wealth of information regarding caring for your feet and choosing shoes with appropriate support. Avoiding excessively elevated heels or shoes with spongy insoles is a great place to start. 

Ultimately, it stands to reason that when you hurt less you are inclined to move more. It is this movement that provides for the adventures, experiences, and quality of life that you have worked so hard to earn and enjoy.

To make the most of your retirement experience, you must be mindful to care for your body accordingly!


Master Trainer/Functional Aging Specialist/Certified Nutritionist

Twenty-First Century Aging


What You Should Know About Fruit Sugar (Fructose)

As a kid, I remember one of my favorite summertime treats coming from a bowl of ice-cold grapes. 

There was something so satisfying about that slight pop and then a splash of the super sweet juice that was so incredibly refreshing on a hot Oklahoma day.

From my point of view, this treat was much more satisfying than any packaged candy. But, of course, given my age then, I did not even consider the nutritional benefits; all I knew was that these little purple orbs of deliciousness were sweet and tasty, and I wanted more!

Fast forward a few decades, and now that I am a professional Nutritionist, I still enjoy an occasional bowl of cold grapes, but with an entirely different perspective.

I’m sure the above story is relatable to many of you, as it is human nature to gravitate toward things that taste good and bring us comfort. However, like with all things in life, it is possible to get too much of a good thing, even with something considered nutritious.

Current Recommended Daily Allowance based on federal guidelines says that most adults should eat between 1-1/2 to 2 cups of fruit daily. Now, if you were to take out a 2-cup measure and fill it full of strawberries or cantaloupe, that does not seem like much to spread throughout the entirety of a day.

What if you’re the kind of person who likes blueberries in your morning cereal, a few apple or orange slices as an afternoon snack, and maybe a bowl of watermelon as an after-dinner sweet treat? To measure each of these portions in total would be certain to exceed this recommendation.

So, are you getting too much of a good thing? And why would there need to be such a conservative limit on something that is supposed to be so nutritious and healthy?

The answer is maybe. Why? Most fruits are very low in fat, so they are also low in calories (4 calories per gram). However, all too often, people are unaware that excessively high amounts of fructose (fruit sugar) in your daily diet can become consequential.

What makes fructose such a bad thing? The answer lies in how your body metabolizes it. Based on the chemical composition of fructose, it cannot be used by your body’s cells (muscles) for energy like glucose can. So instead, fructose is processed through the liver. 

This shift in metabolic processing can promote fat synthesis and fat storage under certain conditions (among the many reasons High Fructose Corn Syrup is very unhealthy!).

Does this mean that you should abstain from making fruit a part of your daily menu? Is eating fruit going to make you fat? Absolutely not; there is too much to gain nutritionally to eliminate fruit. 

However, there are a few things that you can do to ensure that your fruit choices remain optimally beneficial and have minimal impact on your waistline. 

At the top of the list is to simply take inventory of how much fructose you consume in a day by using a nutrition tracking app (FitDay is a good one), then compare that to the below recommendation. Current FDA standards say that 25 – 30 grams of fructose per day for most adults is considered within safe ranges and poses a minimal metabolic impact. It is quite easy to stay within this range by making informed choices. 

As a basic guide, below is a list of fruits that contain tremendous nutritional benefits while maintaining the lowest concentrations of fructose:

– Oranges

–          Kiwi fruit

–          Berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries)

–          FIRM bananas (if they are bright yellow ripe – they are too high in sugar)

–          Cantaloupe

–          Honeydew

–          Clementine

–          Papaya

–          Pumpkin

–          Pineapple

–          Grapes

This list provides some examples of foods excessively high in fructose:

– Fruit juices (grape juice is at the top of this list)

–          Sweetened soda pop/cola drinks

–          Sweetened dried fruits

–          Pears

–          Honey

–          Sweetened fruit-flavored yogurt

–          Manufactured sauces/dressings (ketchup, bbq sauce, salad dressings, etc.)

I recommend also utilizing your fruit as an ingredient rather than just a stand-alone food source. For example, adding sliced strawberries to a salad, dicing apples into a chicken salad, adding blueberries to oatmeal, or using orange segments to add dimension to a stir-fry allows you to enjoy the benefits of a fruitful diet while keeping choices nutritionally balanced. 


Master Trainer/Functional Aging Specialist/Certified Nutritionist

Twenty-First Century Aging


Social Connections for Seniors: Accountability for Active Living and Healthy Eating

As we age, social connections become increasingly important for our overall well-being. For seniors, maintaining an active lifestyle and eating healthy can sometimes be challenging.

However, social connections can significantly provide the necessary support and accountability to stay motivated.

This article will explore the benefits of social connections for seniors, focusing on how accountability within these relationships can positively impact active living and healthy eating habits.

  1. Emotional Support and Motivation: Social connections provide emotional support and motivation, which are essential for seniors to stay committed to an active lifestyle and healthy eating. When surrounded by supportive friends, family members, or community groups, seniors are more likely to feel encouraged, inspired, and motivated to maintain their fitness routines and make healthy food choices.
  2. Shared Activities and Engagement: Engaging in physical activities and healthy eating becomes more enjoyable and sustainable when done in the company of others. Social connections offer opportunities for shared activities such as walking groups, exercise classes, or cooking clubs, where seniors can come together to exercise, prepare nutritious meals, and exchange ideas and recipes. This shared experience fosters a sense of belonging and strengthens the commitment to a healthy lifestyle.
  3. Accountability and Encouragement: Accountability is a powerful tool for maintaining an active lifestyle and healthy eating habits. Social connections which hold seniors accountable for their goals and commitments can be highly beneficial. Whether it’s a workout buddy who ensures regular exercise or a friend who checks in on their dietary choices, this sense of accountability provides the necessary encouragement. It pushes seniors to stay on track with their health goals.
  4. Knowledge Sharing and Peer Support: Social connections offer a wealth of knowledge and experience. Seniors can learn from each other, share tips, and provide practical advice on staying active and eating well. Peer support is precious as seniors can relate to one another’s challenges and successes, fostering a sense of camaraderie and understanding.
  5. Increased Socialization and Mental Well-Being: Social connections help combat loneliness and isolation, which can negatively impact mental health. By engaging in activities with others and fostering social relationships, seniors improve their overall well-being and reduce the risk of depression and anxiety. When mental health is prioritized, it becomes easier to stay motivated, active, and committed to healthy eating habits.

Practical Tips for Cultivating Social Connections and Accountability:

  1. Join local senior centers, community groups, or clubs focusing on health and wellness activities.
  2. Participate in exercise classes, walking groups, or sports activities tailored to seniors.
  3. Connect with friends or family members who have similar health goals and interests, and make plans to exercise or cook healthy meals together.
  4. Engaging in volunteering or community service provides opportunities to meet new people and contribute to a meaningful cause.
  5. Embrace technology and stay connected virtually through video calls, social media groups, or online forums dedicated to seniors’ health and well-being.

Social connections benefit seniors, particularly when maintaining an active lifestyle and making healthy food choices. By cultivating social relationships, seniors gain emotional support, motivation, accountability, and the opportunity to share experiences and knowledge.

These connections foster an environment of support and contribute to overall mental well-being. So, let’s prioritize building and nurturing social relationships to ensure seniors lead vibrant, active lives and enjoy the benefits of healthy living together.


Master Trainer/Functional Aging Specialist/Certified Nutritionist

Twenty-First Century Aging


Train Your Game – Injury Prevention Tips For 55+ Recreational Sports

The whole purpose of participating in physical/athletic activities is to have fun, remain active, enjoy social dynamics, and just emerge feeling good. 

When your body is cared for through proper exercise, you are able to demand performance and typically emerge feeling great and excited to go again. 

 However, if not sufficiently conditioned, these demands for performance can become more demanding and less enjoyable, while aches, pains, and injuries become more common.   

If you are not currently exercising, these suggestions provide you with a basic place to begin, just shy of a personalized program. For those who are already exercising regularly, hopefully, you will pick up some takeaways which you find useful. 

As a friendly reminder, it is always a good idea to have a visit with your doctor anytime you begin a significant increase in activity (exercise or sport). This is important just to ensure that there aren’t any underlying issues that have developed which may become a serious health issue as a result of the increased demand. 

Your Pre-Game Ritual: 

– ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS WARM UP! A critical mistake too many make regarding both exercise and in recreational sports is to skip past the warmup. 

Taking the time for a proper warmup will increase performance dramatically, while significantly lowering injury risk. 

How to do it: 

Pick 5 or 6 full-body calisthenics movements (squats, toe touches, march in place, shuffle jacks, toe & arm raise, etc.) and do them in direct succession (one immediately after the next) at a modest intensity for 30 – 45 seconds each. 

This elevates heart-rate/core temperature, lubricates joints, promotes muscle elasticity, improves neuromuscular control (motor skill), and enhances mental focus.

– Always stretch immediately AFTER your warmup (never stretch cold muscles) if participating in a sport. Be sure to include hamstrings and pecs/chest. These are two of the most important as they help to properly care for the shoulders, knees, hips, and lower back. 

Training For Your Game!

Injury prevention exercises:

Isometric (without movement) exercises are at the very tip-top of the list for injury prevention training. The continual, gradual, and steady tension placed on connective tissue (ligaments and tendons) helps to promote tensile strength. In addition, this same approach to loading also builds bone and joint cartilage density. 

Performance builders:

Squats are not only among the most fundamental of functional movements, they are also at the top of the list for lower-body performance conditioning exercises. 

Why? This particular exercise utilizes the largest muscles in your body for movement and when done at progressive volume/intensity can provide baseline cardio and endurance conditioning simultaneously. 

Lateral cone-to-cone shuffle drills are an incredibly important component to developing agility, foot speed, and cardio conditioning. 

However, most importantly lateral movement proficiency in both acceleration and deceleration is practiced and conditioned, this is the key to limiting injury risk!

This simple drill done regularly can make a tremendous difference in court sports, baseball/softball, and even golf (lateral exercises improve rotational hip power). 

Standing functional row (band, cable, TRX). Because most everything we do in life happens in front of us, it is quite common for the anterior muscles of the body (front side) to become disproportionately developed and cause joint/movement issues. 

This simple, yet highly effective exercise not only helps to address that by promoting pulling strength for the back side of the body, the unilateral (one side at a time) loading does an awesome job of producing spinal stability while generating rotational force (golf drive, tennis/pickle ball racquet swing, etc.). 

With each of the above exercises, it is best to establish a performance benchmark and seek to increase work demand from there. 

For example, if you were to hold a bridge exercise for as long as you could and time that to be 75 seconds, this is your benchmark. Each time you would repeat this exercise, your goal would be to exceed this marker. Or, if you did timed squats and could perform 22 in 1 minute, next time seek to make that 25, etc.

Ultimately, it’s important to understand that as you age, the risk-reward balance and enjoyment factor are no longer in your favor without exercise. But, should you choose to Train Your Game, your body can be trained to perform to extraordinary levels enjoyably!


Master Trainer/Functional Aging Specialist/Certified Nutritionist

Twenty-First Century Aging


Daily Essentials For Maintaining Healthy Joints – Do Supplements Really Help?

By definition, a joint is a simple structure that attaches two bones and facilitates motion. 

This structure is typically comprised of two cartilage-clad bone heads that fit in close proximity and are held together by ligaments. 

Through our divine design, the joints within the human body are constructed to last and provide a lifetime of service. 

However, overuse, under-use, misuse, orthopedic disorders, poor posture, and lack of maintenance can cause these highly essential components to wear prematurely.

Advanced levels of wear can not only create significant pain/discomfort, but the range of motion limitations, instability, and aversions to physical activities can also all be consequences of worn joints. 

Often when this happens, it’s become commonplace to seek prosthetic replacements. Unfortunately, though they have come a long way, the manufactured prosthesis is still no match for the quality of the “original equipment.” 

What can you do to care for worn and aging joints?

The tips provided below are a simple yet proven approach to protecting the functional viability of your joints, and each offers supplemental health benefits to the rest of the body as well!

– Motion is lotion! Joints are designed to move, and a lack of movement creates stiffness. Therefore, you should never go more than an hour through the day’s waking hours without getting up and moving around.

– Maintain healthy body weight. Though there are numerous other health benefits (heart health at the top) to keeping your weight within a healthy range, your knees, back and hips suffer tremendous wear and damage supporting and moving excess poundage.

– Flex your muscles regularly! Strength exercise is among the most valuable tools for keeping the body functionally strong. However, the benefits extend beyond physical capability. The stronger the muscles around a joint, the more stable the joint becomes. This dramatically improves integrity while limiting wear.

– Maintain your muscle flexibility. After each bout of exercise (never before!), make it a habit to incorporate gentle stretching and the occasional therapeutic massage into your routine. Any muscles which are abnormally or irregularly tight will directly affect how the joints move and wear. 

CLICK HERE FOR FREE: Fluid Motions Flexibility Class

– Eat your Omega-3s. A diet rich in sources of Omega-3 fatty acids (fish, walnuts, grass-fed beef) provides essential chemical components for lubricating joints internally and helps to combat inflammation.

– Be posture aware. Over time, poor posture creates a whole slew of problems for your body structurally. As much as possible, when seated – support yourself rather than leaning on a seat back, and include core exercises with your daily workouts to keep these muscles strong. Also, when in a standing position concentrate on “stacked joint alignment” (shoulders over hips – over knees – over ankles). This not only supports good posture but also ensures sound stability.

– Stay within your capacity. If you are not used to lifting heavy objects, trying to carry a 50-pound suitcase through the airport may not be the best idea and may cause damage or injury. This is where the preceding tips payoff; when you remain functionally strong through exercise, it significantly increases your ability to navigate extraneous tasks safely.

– Studies support supplementing with Glucosamine and Chondroitin. According to the National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine research studies, oral Glucosamine was proven effective in positively relieving joint stiffness. At the same time, Chondroitin was shown to reduce joint-related pain effectively. Just as with the rest of your body systems, the maintenance of your joints must be purposeful and consistent. Yes, some sacrifices in time, effort, and early onset discomfort are a part of the process. However, you will be righteously rewarded through pain-free movement that facilitates the quality of life activities you have worked so hard to enjoy. 


Master Trainer/Functional Aging Specialist/Certified Nutritionist

Twenty-First Century Aging


A Wild West Culinary Mishap

In the wild west deserts of Arizona, there was a cowboy cook named Jeb. Jeb had a reputation for being the clumsiest cook in the entire territory. No matter how hard he tried, disaster seemed to follow him around the chuckwagon.

One fateful evening, the cowboys rode into camp after a long day on the dusty trail. They were famished and eagerly anticipated a hearty meal. Little did they know, Jeb had a mishap that would turn their dinner into a memorable and laugh-inducing experience.

As the hungry cowboys gathered around the campfire, their mouths watering with anticipation, Jeb, with his worn-out cowboy hat and a wooden spoon in hand, was in charge of cooking up a pot of beans. Now, beans were a staple in cowboy cuisine, and Jeb took great pride in his ability to make them delicious.

However, on this particular day, fate had a different plan. As Jeb went about his cooking duties, he got distracted by a beautiful cactus flower blooming nearby. Mesmerized by its vibrant colors, he lost track of time and, alas, the beans simmering on the fire.

Unbeknownst to Jeb, the beans gradually turned into a charred, blackened mess. When the time came to serve dinner, the cowboys eagerly lined up with their tin plates, ready for a satisfying meal. But when Jeb uncovered the pot, a wave of laughter erupted.

Instead of the usual savory and steaming beans, all the cowboys saw were lumps of blackened charcoal-like blobs. Even the coyotes howling in the distance seemed to be laughing at the sight. Jeb scratched his head, perplexed by the disaster that had unfolded before him.

Never one to be discouraged, Jeb put on a brave face and decided to salvage the situation. He reached into his saddlebag and pulled out the only edible item he had—a bag of hard candy. With a sheepish grin, he proclaimed, “Well, boys, it looks like we’re having candy for dinner tonight!”

The cowboys burst into laughter, their hungry bellies forgotten in the hilarity of the moment. They grabbed handfuls of the colorful candies, their eyes gleaming with amusement. It wasn’t the hearty meal they had expected, but it certainly was a memorable one.

As they savored the sweetness of the candy, laughter filled the air. The cowboys shared jokes, told tall tales, and teased Jeb about his bean-burning mishap. It turned out to be one of the most memorable evenings around the campfire, with laughter echoing through the Arizona desert.

From that day forward, whenever the cowboys reminisced about their time on the trail, they would fondly recall the night when Jeb burned the beans and served candy for dinner. It became a legendary story, passed down from one generation of cowboys to the next, ensuring that Jeb’s mishap would forever be etched in cowboy lore.

And so, in the vast and rugged landscape of Arizona, the cowboy cook’s beans-turned-charcoal and candy dinner became a tale that brought joy and laughter to those who shared it. It serves as a reminder that even in the face of culinary calamities, humor and camaraderie can turn a meal into a treasured memory.


Master Trainer/Functional Aging Specialist/Certified Nutritionist

Twenty-First Century Aging


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