Daily Essentials For Maintaining Healthy Joints – Do Supplements Really Help?

By definition, a joint is a simple structure that attaches two bones and facilitates motion. 

This structure is typically comprised of two cartilage-clad bone heads that fit in close proximity and are held together by ligaments. 

Through our divine design, the joints within the human body are constructed to last and provide a lifetime of service. 

However, overuse, under-use, misuse, orthopedic disorders, poor posture, and lack of maintenance can cause these highly essential components to wear prematurely.

Advanced levels of wear can not only create significant pain/discomfort, but the range of motion limitations, instability, and aversions to physical activities can also all be consequences of worn joints. 

Often when this happens, it’s become commonplace to seek prosthetic replacements. Unfortunately, though they have come a long way, the manufactured prosthesis is still no match for the quality of the “original equipment.” 

What can you do to care for worn and aging joints?

The tips provided below are a simple yet proven approach to protecting the functional viability of your joints, and each offers supplemental health benefits to the rest of the body as well!

– Motion is lotion! Joints are designed to move, and a lack of movement creates stiffness. Therefore, you should never go more than an hour through the day’s waking hours without getting up and moving around.

– Maintain healthy body weight. Though there are numerous other health benefits (heart health at the top) to keeping your weight within a healthy range, your knees, back and hips suffer tremendous wear and damage supporting and moving excess poundage.

– Flex your muscles regularly! Strength exercise is among the most valuable tools for keeping the body functionally strong. However, the benefits extend beyond physical capability. The stronger the muscles around a joint, the more stable the joint becomes. This dramatically improves integrity while limiting wear.

– Maintain your muscle flexibility. After each bout of exercise (never before!), make it a habit to incorporate gentle stretching and the occasional therapeutic massage into your routine. Any muscles which are abnormally or irregularly tight will directly affect how the joints move and wear. 

CLICK HERE FOR FREE: Fluid Motions Flexibility Class

– Eat your Omega-3s. A diet rich in sources of Omega-3 fatty acids (fish, walnuts, grass-fed beef) provides essential chemical components for lubricating joints internally and helps to combat inflammation.

– Be posture aware. Over time, poor posture creates a whole slew of problems for your body structurally. As much as possible, when seated – support yourself rather than leaning on a seat back, and include core exercises with your daily workouts to keep these muscles strong. Also, when in a standing position concentrate on “stacked joint alignment” (shoulders over hips – over knees – over ankles). This not only supports good posture but also ensures sound stability.

– Stay within your capacity. If you are not used to lifting heavy objects, trying to carry a 50-pound suitcase through the airport may not be the best idea and may cause damage or injury. This is where the preceding tips payoff; when you remain functionally strong through exercise, it significantly increases your ability to navigate extraneous tasks safely.

– Studies support supplementing with Glucosamine and Chondroitin. According to the National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine research studies, oral Glucosamine was proven effective in positively relieving joint stiffness. At the same time, Chondroitin was shown to reduce joint-related pain effectively. Just as with the rest of your body systems, the maintenance of your joints must be purposeful and consistent. Yes, some sacrifices in time, effort, and early onset discomfort are a part of the process. However, you will be righteously rewarded through pain-free movement that facilitates the quality of life activities you have worked so hard to enjoy. 


Master Trainer/Functional Aging Specialist/Certified Nutritionist

Twenty-First Century Aging
