Staying Active Indoors: 20 Fun Ideas for Keeping Moving When You Can’t Get Outside

We know sometimes the weather can be a bummer and keep you indoors, especially in the heat of summer. But don’t worry; I’ve got you covered with a list of 20 enjoyable activities to stay physically active even when Mother Nature has other plans.

So, put on your exercise clothes, lace up those shoes, and get that body moving!

Dance Party: Clear space, put on your favorite tunes, and dance like nobody’s watching. It’s a fantastic way to get your heart rate up and have a blast.

Indoor Walking: Create an indoor walking track by walking laps around your home or apartment building. Count your steps or challenge yourself to beat your previous record. No space? A quick-pace walk-in-place is another great alternative for getting moving, raising the heart rate, and taking away that feel-good energy boost!

Yoga and Tai Chi: Explore the calming and gentle practices of yoga or tai chi. Look for beginner-friendly videos online or join a local class.

Chair Exercises: Stay seated and work out those muscles with chair exercises. Many workout routines can be modified to accommodate seated positions. If possible, blend with standing exercises in a ratio of 50/50 and use the chair for support if necessary.

Indoor Gardening: Bring the outdoors inside by tending to your plants or starting an indoor garden with herbs or small potted plants. It’s a great way to stay active while enjoying some greenery. Stage these in a place where you can stand while tending to or harvesting.

Stairs Workout: If you have stairs at home, use them to your advantage. Incorporate stair exercises into your routine, like stepping up and down or doing calf raises on a step.

Resistance Band Training: Grab a set of resistance bands and explore various exercises that can be done in the comfort of your home. They’re compact, affordable, and great for building strength.

Indoor Swimming or Water Aerobics: Look for local community centers or gyms with indoor pools that offer swimming or water aerobics classes specifically designed for older adults.

Balloon Volleyball: Inflate a balloon and play a fun game of seated balloon volleyball with friends or family. It’s a great way to have fun and get moving without the risk of injury. A simple string or ribbon taped across the room can act as a net.

Indoor Bowling: Set up a small bowling game in your hallway using empty water bottles and softballs. It’s a fun way to work on your aim and coordination.

Home Workout Videos: Explore the wide variety of workout videos available online or through DVDs. You can find a workout that suits your needs and preferences, from low-impact cardio to strength training.

Puzzle Games: Engage your mind and body with puzzles that require active participation, such as jigsaw puzzles or puzzle mats involving physical movement. Incorporate a 5-and-stand practice; for every five pieces you place, you stand and walk five laps around the table before going again.

Indoor Golf Putting: Set up a mini golf putting green in your living room or hallway. Practice your putting skills and challenge yourself to improve your score.

Virtual Fitness Classes: Many fitness studios and community centers now offer virtual fitness classes you can join from the comfort of your home. Explore options like yoga, Zumba, or even online dance classes.

Active Video Games: Bust a move with dance video games or try virtual reality fitness games that can get you up and moving in a fun and interactive way.

Chair Yoga: Look for chair yoga classes or videos designed for older adults. These exercises can help improve flexibility, balance, and overall well-being.

Indoor Cycling/Biking: Invest in a stationary bike or use a stationary bike at your local gym. Cycling is a low-impact workout that can be enjoyed indoors, rain, or shine.

Mall Walking: When the weather is bad, head to your local shopping mall and join others for a morning or afternoon stroll. It’s a safe and climate-controlled environment perfect for walking and people-watching. Use a pedometer to keep track of distance and watch the time to work to improve your pace.

Active Cleaning: Turn your chores into a workout! Engage in activities like vacuuming, mopping, dusting, or scrubbing to get your heart rate up while keeping your living space clean.

Brain-Body Workouts: Engage in activities that challenge your mind and body, like ballroom dancing, table tennis, or learning a new instrument. These activities promote coordination, cognitive function, and physical fitness.

Remember, staying physically active offers numerous mind and body benefits, regardless of the weather.

Choose activities that you enjoy and that are suitable for your fitness level, always listening to your body.

Stay active, have fun, and keep your eyes on the prize, no matter what the weather brings!


Master Trainer/Functional Aging Specialist/Certified Nutritionist

Twenty-First Century Aging