Son Says – “Daddy Is The Ball Hiding From Us?”

Once upon a time, there was a dad named Mike who loved playing golf. One sunny afternoon, he decided to take his son, Tim, to the golf course for a fun bonding session.

As they teed off on the first hole, Mike hit a fantastic drive that soared high into the sky. But as they reached the fairway, they realized that Mike’s golf ball was nowhere to be found.

Trying to save face in front of his son, Mike pretended to look around confidently. “Hmm, it seems like my ball went on an adventure,” he said with a mischievous smile.

Tim, always eager to help, joined in the search. They scanned the bushes, peered into the ponds, and even checked the trees, but there was no sign of the elusive golf ball.

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Mike decided to get creative. He looked at Tim and said, “You know, Tim, sometimes golf balls have a mind of their own. They can magically camouflage themselves to blend in with nature. It’s all part of the game!”

Tim, fascinated by his dad’s imagination, nodded and replied, “Wow, really? That’s amazing!”

Encouraged by his son’s enthusiasm, Mike continued, “Yes, Tim, it’s like a secret game of hide-and-seek between golfers and their balls. Only the most skilled golfers can find them!”

As they continued their search, Mike spotted a squirrel scurrying away with something shiny in its tiny paws. “Aha!” Mike exclaimed, pointing at the squirrel. “I think that sneaky critter might have mistaken my ball for a nut and taken it to its secret stash!”

Tim’s eyes widened with excitement, and they followed the squirrel, keeping a safe distance. After a few minutes of stalking the squirrel, they found themselves in a small clearing where the squirrel had buried its treasures.

And there, nestled amongst acorns and pinecones, was Mike’s golf ball! He triumphantly retrieved it, holding it up high as if he had just won a major tournament.

Tim cheered, impressed by his dad’s golf ball-finding skills. “Dad, you’re the best golfer ever!”

With a big grin, Mike replied, “Well, Tim, sometimes you just have to think outside the tee box and embrace the unexpected adventures of golf!”

And so, Mike and Tim continued their game with newfound enthusiasm, sharing laughter and creating memories that would last a lifetime. From that day on, whenever Mike lost a golf ball, he would spin a tall tale of magical squirrels and hidden treasures, making each round of golf a hilarious and unforgettable experience for him and his son.


Master Trainer/Functional Aging Specialist/Certified Nutritionist

Twenty-First Century Aging

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