Trick or Treat – Common Fitness/Nutrition Trends Revealed

A multi-billion dollar consumer goods industry drives the lion’s share of diet, exercise, and product trends commercially available. As a result, some products, services, and claims have validity, while the majority serve little purpose other than to drive profits. How do you know which is which?

Within this special-edition article, I will provide you with a sound, and unbiased professional perspective on some of the more common trends, products, and programs making headlines or have become lore. 

The intended outcome is to encourage you to take an objective perspective when one of these trends piques your curiosity for consideration and look beyond the source for answers.

Structured Weight Loss Programs (Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Noom, Nutrisystem, etc.):


From a professional perspective (and one who has fought & won the weight-loss battle), this segment made the top of the list for good reason. Weight loss is the number one consumer-driven class within the commercial fitness/nutrition industry, and produces the most trends/products/programs, and profits!

Why? Market research shows that consumers are more compelled by instant gratification than longevity, so most will ultimately fail and eventually return to buy again.

Because of this fact, I call this one a TRICK

Here’s the TREAT:

Effective long-term weight loss is not a one-size-fits-all approach. In coaching hundreds of people through life-changing weight-loss journeys, I’ve found that the most common factor to be addressed has more to do with exchanging unhealthy coping mechanisms for those which are healthy and satisfying. 

This is best accomplished through an individualized approach customized to the needs of each person, commercial programs just do not do well with this.

Personalization rather than a product is the key to real sustainable success!

Video Exercise Programs (Jillian Michaels, Richard Simmons, Beach Body, Daily Burn, etc.):


As a staunch believer that ALL people stand to benefit significantly from regular exercise, I am all for modalities that facilitate fitness to those who would be doing nothing otherwise. 

This component makes the movement factor very much a TREAT!

However, some significant considerations exist when exploring video/app-based fitness programs. If you have any special considerations or limitations, these programs DO NOT adjust and cannot accommodate personalizations. 

Also, safety can be a legitimate concern if you do not have a solid/sound exercise background and do not entirely understand proper exercise mechanics (replicating what you see without corrective coaching isn’t always as easy/simple as it looks!).

Finally, these programs are non-progressive (which most exercise programs should be) and can quickly get you in a rut.

Fasting for health, weight loss, and detox:


Though numerous studies claim significant health benefits to prolonged bouts of fasting, there is more sound science to support clean/natural nutrition as a means of optimizing health.

As a Certified Nutritionist, I professionally call this one a TRICK. 

In closely examining several of these claims – there were supplement recommendations/sales on the back end. The whole purpose of “supplementation” is to provide something which is not currently in place, in this instance FOOD NUTRITION.


All processes within your body that support life require vitamins, minerals, nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates, water, etc., to function. We get these vital resources from the foods we eat. 

When regularly consumed in modest portions, and closest to their natural/raw form, the foods we consume support energy metabolism, improve immune function, provide hydration, regulate blood sugar/insulin levels, and even support mood/mental health. 

Food is not just fuel – FOOD IS LIFE AND MEDICINE!

The key is to choose what you consume wisely and with purpose.

When considering implementing a new trend, product, or program into your lifestyle, it is wise first to consult your medical professional to determine safety, then seek the guidance of a qualified professional to help personalize an approach to fit your goals. 


Master Trainer/Functional Aging Specialist/Certified Nutritionist

Twenty-First Century Aging

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